[公告] 兔年行大運、聖誕與新年假期愉快 | Good Luck for the Year of Rabbit, Merry X’mas and Happy New Year

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbnubKgAldA 「共生是一種普遍存在的生命特質」 (梅林.謝德瑞克 2021, pp. 23-25) “Symbiosis is a ubiquitous feature of life” (Merlin Sheldrake 2020, pp. 24) 各位先生、女士與貴賓您們好。謝謝您們持續在2022對澳洲坎培拉台灣同鄉會(坎培拉台灣同鄉會)、台灣同鄉會繁體中文華語學校(TACA 華語學校)投以最熱烈的關注與支持。 Ladies, Gentlemen, distinguished guests. Thank you very much for your overwhelming support to the Taiwanese Association of Canberra, Australia (TACA) and the TACA Mandarin School advocating for the Traditional Chinese Education. 坎培拉台灣同鄉會與TACA華語學校團隊在此向您拜個早年,並預祝您聖誕與新年快樂。 TACA and the... Continue Reading →

A letter to the Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament: Call for Taiwan’s inclusion in the WHO and other international organisations

Dear Prime Minister and Members of the National Cabinet, It is great news for Australia as we see the coronavirus curve flattening with the government’s effective response to the COVID19 pandemic. The coronavirus outbreak has reminded us of the importance of transparency, unity and cooperation between countries as we fight the global pandemic. We, the... Continue Reading →

[公告] A petition to invite Taiwan as an observer in the WHA 給世界衛生組織的一封信

臺灣今年又沒有收到世界衛生大會的邀請函,同鄉會寄了一封信給國際衛生組織總幹事Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 籲請 WHO 邀請我國出席 Taiwan has not received the invitation to the 2019 World Health Assembly, TACA sent a letter to the WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus urgently request WHO to invite Taiwan to attend the WHA as an observer -------------------- Dear Dr Ghebreyesus, This is the third time that we,... Continue Reading →

[轉發] 科技部108年度海外人才歸國橋接方案 Leaders in Future Trend (LIFT)

科技部為回應臺灣產學研各界對前瞻科研領域人才需求及海外人才歸國期待,自106年開始推動「海外人才歸國橋接方案 Leaders in Future Trends (LIFT)」,以號召我國赴海外留學的人才,返國貢獻所學。本年度將持續辦理「108年度海外人才歸國橋接方案(LIFT2.0)」,以建置平台,積極促成海外學人與國內產學研機構進行線上/線下媒合,並提供返國學人來回機票補助與全程免費食宿,安排返國學人參加「海外學人返國交流會」,與國內產學研機構進行面對面交流,以促成海外學人回臺就業發展。 本方案第1梯次收件截止日期為108年4月30日(二)中午12:00(臺北時間GMT+08:00)。如有興趣報名參加或對本方案有任何問題的話,也歡迎隨時跟駐澳洲科技組聯繫。 相關檔案如下: 1. LIFT2.0LIFT2.0海報(英文) 2. LIFT2.0 海外學人廣宣(中文) 3. LIFT2.0徵件辦法(中英文) 科技組聯絡資訊: 彭雙俊組長, sjpong@most.gov.tw, 02-61201001 王凱石秘書, kswang@most.gov.tw, 02-61201003

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